series sticker1 set 시리즈 스티커 세트
We make things that can organize our daily lives.
Life, movies, music, food, travel, time. Organize everything you love
You'll be able to fit the pieces of your life with a stack of records.
우리는 일상을 정리할 수 있는 물건들을 만듭니다
삶,영화,음악,음식,여행,시간 당신이 사랑하는 모든 것들을 정리해보세요
겹겹이 쌓인 기록들로 당신의 삶의 조각들이 맞춰질거에요
배송비3,000원(제주도 포함 도서/산간 추가 배송비 4,000원)
We make things that can organize our daily lives.
Life, movies, music, food, travel, time.
Organize everything you love.
You'll be able to fit the pieces of your life with a stack of records.