This tin case creatively connects
the healing power of love with a
nostalgic vintage packaging design.
"12 Bandages for Your Heartaches"
playfully symbolizes love’s ability to
soothe emotional pain, while the words
"Love – Healing – Bandages" reinforce the idea
that love is the ultimate first-aid for the heart.
Perfect for those who cherish the comforting
and restorative power of love in their daily lives.
배송비3,500원(제주도 포함 도서/산간 추가 배송비 3,000원)
해당 브랜드 상품 50,000원 이상 구매시 배송비 무료
크기가로: 115mm / 세로: 85mm
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기억에 남는 새로운 경험은 여러분의 바운더리(경계)를
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